Have you ever noticed a pain in your neck after looking down at your phone or computer for too long? You may have tech neck. Don’t worry, you’re not alone. With more and more of us using technology every day, tech neck is becoming increasingly common. But what exactly is it?

Symptoms of Tech Neck

Tech neck is a common condition that affects anyone who spends a lot of time hunched over their digital devices. It occurs when the head tilts and the shoulders slouch while looking at phones, laptops, and tablets, thus straining the neck and shoulder muscles beyond their normal range of motion. Symptoms of tech neck include upper back or shoulder pain, rounded shoulders, tightness in the trapezius muscle group located on the upper back and neck area, stiffness in joints throughout the surrounding area where pain is present, headaches at the base of the skull and difficulty completing full ranges-of-motion with head and shoulder turns. If you are experiencing any pain or discomfort associated with tech neck, it is best to see a physician for a proper diagnosis and treatment plan.

Causes of Tech Neck

Spending too much time looking down at our electronic devices can be detrimental to our posture. This modern phenomenon otherwise known as tech neck, is leading to more than just an unsightly double chin and slumped shoulders. The primary causes of tech neck stem from repetitive motion when hunching over smartphones and laptops for hours at a time, causing muscle imbalances and joint problematic issues. Our bodies are not designed for this sedentary lifestyle – we need movement to stay healthy!

Ways to Prevent or Reduce the Risk of Developing Tech Neck

Taking precautions to prevent or reduce tech neck may seem like a daunting task, however, it doesn’t have to be. The most important thing is to establish healthy habits from the get-go. Start with something as simple as keeping your device at eye level, so you don’t have to hunch your neck for extended periods of time. Taking regular breaks and stretching exercises can go a long way in preventing tech neck as well. All that being said, it’s also just as important to listen to your body – if you start feeling any discomfort related to your neck or back while using your device, take the hint and take a break. Prevention is key in avoiding tech neck, but it’s not too late. Incorporating simple changes into our daily lives can help alleviate pain and put us on the path towards prevention and better posture.

Some Exercises That Can Help Relieve Pain from Tech Neck

Many of us have experienced the pain and discomfort that comes from spending too much time hunched over a desk or staring down at our cell phones. While it can be hard to change our lifestyle habits, the good news is there are ways to relieve pain from tech neck. 

Simple shoulder rolls – stand up straight with your feet shoulder-width apart and gently roll both shoulders forward in large circles. 

Cobra pose – start by lying on your stomach and pushing up the top half of your body while keeping your pelvis on the ground. 

Stretch your neck – tilt it side to side and perform full rotations for about 30 seconds each direction. 

By taking several breaks throughout the day to practice these exercises, you can reduce tech neck-related pain and may even feel better in no time!

When You Should See a Doctor for Your Tech Neck

If you’re experiencing any tech-neck related symptoms, like neck pain, headaches, decreased range of motion in your neck, tingling or numbness in the arms or hands, it’s best to see a doctor for a proper diagnosis. They can assess your medical history and determine the best ways to treat your condition— whether it be through physical therapy or lifestyle changes such as better posture when typing and looking at a screen. So don’t wait too long if you’re feeling any of these symptoms – see a doctor as soon as possible so they can help you address them before they worsen.

Tech neck is a digital age ailment caused by poor posture and use of electronic devices. It can be prevented in early stages by having a healthy posture when using electronic devices, switching positions routinely, doing stress reducing exercises, and taking frequent breaks from screens. With the various treatments available to help relieve the pain of tech neck such as chiropractic adjustments, hot and cold compresses, anti-inflammatory medications and physical therapy exercises, individuals experiencing symptoms of tech neck are well on their way to alleviating pain. If your pain worsens or persists despite at home remedies, consulting with a doctor is recommended. So don’t forget to practice good ergonomics and exercise regularly to avoid developing this ailment! And if you need some extra help in relieving tech neck tension then why not get a massage?